A new concurrency system for Nim

Warning: The information presented here is severely outdated. Nim's concurrency is now based on different mechanisms (scope based memory management and destructors).

Part 2


Part 1 introduced the basic ideas behind Nim's concurrency model. Here in part 2 things get more formal. However you will be rewarded by a nice real world example.

About shared

"Shared" really means two different but related things:

  1. The memory is allocated on the shared memory heap and as such can live longer than the thread that allocated it. If it's GC'ed memory the GC must be able to deal with the situation that any thread could keep it alive. This is very hard to implement efficiently and is unlikely to be supported soon. The examples we have seen all used ptr and not ref for this reason.
  2. The memory is protected/guarded by some lock and this lock needs to be acquired for safe access.

It is essential to clearly differentiate between (1) and (2) in the terminology: "shared" then means "allocated on a shared heap" and "guarded" means "cannot be dereferenced without holding a lock".

In contrast to D and Rust, Nim doesn't try to ban global variables as these have one inherent property that is essential for automatic verification of embedded systems:

There is a one to one correspondence between names and storage locations.

For this reason globals are an essential ingredient whenever you have to guarantee/prove bounded memory usage. Furthermore aliasing is rather easy to deal with: Two globals A and B simply cannot overlap. (If the language allows taking the address of a global the required analyses become harder but are still tractable especially if you can use whole program compilation.)

For Nim globals have additional advantages:

  1. The ownership of global variables can be bound to the main thread. This way no explicit ownership annotations are required.
  2. Tracking the accesses of global variables will be part of Nim's effect system.
  1. Globals don't have to be allocated nor freed. Thus "use after free" bugs are impossible and yet globals do not require any GC mechanism.
  2. Due to the thread local heaps channels are naturally global variables in Nim.

Since all globals are shared implicitly it makes even more sense to name the "safe locking feature" "guarded" instead of "shared". So every global variable that a thread accesses needs to be marked as "guarded" or have a "guard".

New type constructors

As usual macros do not help to prevent language growth and we need to add quite some things to Nim's type system and new builtins.


shared is a type qualifier that is used to annotate pointers pointing to shared memory.


guarded is a type qualifier that can be used to annotate pointers so that pointer dereference is restricted to a lock environment. In addition to pointers global variables can also be annotated with guarded. Guarded implies shared.

The first version of the language will not provide shared ref and so we're only concerned with ptr as the base pointer type here. A new restriction when it comes to type composition is that shared objects must not contain any GC'ed type. However this restriction is not as bad as it seems as you can GC_ref a GC'ed type and then cast it to ptr.

New pragmas


In addition to guarded there is also a guard pragma that can be attached to object/tuple fields to mark them as guarded by some particular lock. This is mostly useful for globals which need to be guarded but are no ptr.


Procs that are run as a new thread have to be annotated with thread. Thread procs have some restrictions. In particular they must not access globals that contain GC'ed memory. In my opinion it also helps readability to mark what runs concurrently.


Procs that only run in "serial mode" are marked nothread. These can access guarded fields without acquiring any locks. We will see these are necessary for the "init" and "join" parts of most fork&join parallelism. The compiler can check that nothread procs are not invoked in a thread proc but unfortunately this doesn't suffice and prevents some valid forms of concurrency from compiling, so it's an open problem whether it's a good idea to do this.

New statements


lock is a statement that takes a variable list of expressions of type Lock. It then acquires all the given locks at once and transforms the type of the root from guarded ptr to shared ptr. lock is a simplification here, in the implementation the underlying primitives are acquire and release. This way the common and important while x: release; longRunningOperation; acquire pattern is supported.


spawn is a statement that passes a thread proc to some underlying thread pool implementation and causes it to be run concurrently. The syntax is:

spawn f(arg1, ..., argN)

spawn can also be used to invoke a function that has a non-void return type T:

var someFuture = spawn(f(arg1, ..., argN))

spawn then returns a Future[T]. The parameters of f can have any type except var for memory safety reasons. However, everything that is GC'ed memory (ref, string, seq, and closures) is copied over to the thread local heap of the thread that f will run on.

ptr has to be supported because it's unsafe anyway but shared ptr is not! Instead guarded ptr has to be used. This is essential for preventing data races.

The passed function f must not perform any accesses to globals that contain GC'ed data as this does not work with thread local GCs. As usual we use the effect system to track accesses to globals.

spawn is really the high level interface, the standard library will also provide the low level createThread.


sync waits until every spawn'ed proc has returned. For more control a spawn group can be given to both spawn and sync. Then sync waits for every spawned proc in this group.

New types


A future of type T is a placeholder for a result of type T that will arrive when you perform a read operation on it. The read operation is written as ^fut.

A future is implemented as a shared pointer that only supports destructive reads so that we can free the memory immediately in the read operation. The read blocks until the data is available. When you need more control, you should use a channel instead.


The lock statement only acts upon values of type Lock. Lock is parametrized by the lock level. Apart from that Lock is a simple opaque type that is rather uninteresting.


A Queue can be used for further safe data exchange between threads. As the parameter passing done by spawn is implemented internally via queues the same type constraints hold: ref, string and seq are copied, ptr is not, shared ptr needs to be guarded ptr.

Example: Shared hash table

The following example implements a simple hash table that uses striped locks and primitive linear probing to implement a count table. All words in all files in some given directory are counted and then later listed. Note how the type system encourages freedom of both deadlocks and data races.

  Bucket = shared ptr BucketObj
  BucketObj = object
    next: Bucket
    counter: int
    word: array[0..30, char]
  Table = object
    buckets {.guard: locks.}: array[0x1000, Bucket]
    locks: array[0x100, Lock[0]]

proc inc(b: var Bucket, word: string) =
  var it = b
  while it != nil:
    if strcmp(it.word, word) == 0:
      inc it.counter
    it = it.next
  var x = allocShared0(BucketObj)
  copyMem(addr x.word[0], addr word[0], word.len+1)
  x.counter = 1
  x.next = b
  b = x

proc worker(f: string, t: guarded ptr Table) {.thread.} =
  for line in f.lines:
    for w in line.split:
      let h = w.hash
      lock t.locks[h and (0x100-1)]:
        t.buckets[h and (0x1000-1)].inc(w)

  t: Table # results are stored here

proc listing {.nothread.} =
  # no need to lock 't.buckets' here:
  for b in t.buckets:
    var it = b
    while it != nil:
      echo "word: ", it.word, " occurances: ", it.counter
      it = it.next

proc setup() {.nothread.} =
  for i in 0 .. <0x100: t.locks[i] = initLock()

for s in walkFiles(paramStr(0)):
  spawn worker(s, addr t)