Shared list support.
Unstable API.
SharedList[A] = object head, tail: SharedListNode[A] lock*: Lock
- generic shared list Source Edit
proc iterAndMutate[A](x: var SharedList[A]; action: proc (x: A): bool)
- iterates over the list. If 'action' returns true, the current item is removed from the list. Source Edit
proc add[A](x: var SharedList[A]; y: A)
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proc init[A](t: var SharedList[A])
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proc clear[A](t: var SharedList[A])
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proc deinitSharedList[A](t: var SharedList[A])
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proc initSharedList[A](): SharedList[A] {...}{.deprecated: "use \'init\' instead".}
- Source Edit This is not posix compliant, may introduce undefined behavior.
iterator items[A](x: var SharedList[A]): A
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