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proc `$`(x: int): string {...}{.magic: "IntToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for an integer argument. Returns x converted to a decimal string. $ is Nim's general way of spelling toString.   Source Edit
proc `$`(x: int64): string {...}{.magic: "Int64ToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for an integer argument. Returns x converted to a decimal string.   Source Edit
proc `$`(x: float): string {...}{.magic: "FloatToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for a float argument. Returns x converted to a decimal string.   Source Edit
proc `$`(x: bool): string {...}{.magic: "BoolToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for a boolean argument. Returns x converted to the string "false" or "true".   Source Edit
proc `$`(x: char): string {...}{.magic: "CharToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for a character argument. Returns x converted to a string.
assert $'c' == "c"
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proc `$`(x: cstring): string {...}{.magic: "CStrToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for a CString argument. Returns x converted to a string.   Source Edit
proc `$`(x: string): string {...}{.magic: "StrToStr", noSideEffect.}
The stringify operator for a string argument. Returns x as it is. This operator is useful for generic code, so that $expr also works if expr is already a string.   Source Edit
proc `$`[Enum: enum](x: Enum): string {...}{.magic: "EnumToStr", noSideEffect.}

The stringify operator for an enumeration argument. This works for any enumeration type thanks to compiler magic.

If a $ operator for a concrete enumeration is provided, this is used instead. (In other words: Overwriting is possible.)

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proc `$`(t: typedesc): string {...}{.magic: "TypeTrait".}

Returns the name of the given type.

For more procedures dealing with typedesc, see typetraits module.

doAssert $(type(42)) == "int"
doAssert $(type("Foo")) == "string"
static: doAssert $(type(@['A', 'B'])) == "seq[char]"
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proc `$`[T: tuple | object](x: T): string
Generic $ operator for tuples that is lifted from the components of x. Example:
$(23, 45) == "(23, 45)"
$(a: 23, b: 45) == "(a: 23, b: 45)"
$() == "()"
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proc `$`[T](x: set[T]): string
Generic $ operator for sets that is lifted from the components of x. Example:
${23, 45} == "{23, 45}"
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proc `$`[T](x: seq[T]): string
Generic $ operator for seqs that is lifted from the components of x. Example:
$(@[23, 45]) == "@[23, 45]"
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proc `$`[T, U](x: HSlice[T, U]): string
Generic $ operator for slices that is lifted from the components of x. Example:
$(1 .. 5) == "1 .. 5"
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proc `$`[T, IDX](x: array[IDX, T]): string
Generic $ operator for arrays that is lifted from the components.   Source Edit
proc `$`[T](x: openArray[T]): string
Generic $ operator for openarrays that is lifted from the components of x. Example:
$(@[23, 45].toOpenArray(0, 1)) == "[23, 45]"
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