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Represents absolute paths, but using a symbolic variables (eg $nimr) which can be resolved at runtime; this avoids hardcoding at compile time absolute paths so that the project root can be relocated.

xxx factor pending, see also $nim/testament/lib/stdtest/specialpaths.nim specialpaths is simpler because it doesn't need variables to be relocatable at runtime (eg for use in testament)

interpolation variables:
$nimr: such that $nimr/lib/system.nim exists (avoids confusion with $nim binary)
in compiler, it's obtainable via getPrefixDir(); for other tools (eg koch),
this could be getCurrentDir() or getAppFilename().parentDir.parentDir, depending on use case

Unstable API


docCss = "$nimr/doc/nimdoc.css"
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docHackJs = "$nimr/tools/dochack/dochack.js"
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docHackJsFname = "dochack.js"
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docHackNim = "$nimr/tools/dochack/dochack.nim"
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dotdotMangle = "_._"
refs #13223   Source   Edit
htmldocsDirname = "htmldocs"
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nimdocOutCss = "nimdoc.out.css"
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theindexFname = "theindex.html"
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proc getDocHacksJs(nimr: string; nim = getCurrentCompilerExe();
                   forceRebuild = false): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [ReadDirEffect, ExecIOEffect].}
return absolute path to dochack.js, rebuilding if it doesn't exist or if forceRebuild.   Source   Edit
proc interp(path: string; nimr: string): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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