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Partition variables into different graphs. Used for Nim's write tracking, borrow checking and also for the cursor inference. The algorithm is a reinvention / variation of Steensgaard's algorithm. The used data structure is "union find" with path compression.We perform two passes over the AST:

  • Pass one (computeLiveRanges): collect livetimes of local variables and whether they are potentially re-assigned.
  • Pass two (traverse): combine local variables to abstract "graphs". Strict func checking: Ensure that graphs that are connected to const parameters are not mutated.
    Cursor inference: Ensure that potential cursors are not
    borrowed from locations that are connected to a graph that is mutated during the liveness of the cursor. (We track all possible mutations of a graph.)

See for a high-level description of how borrow checking works.


Goal = enum
  constParameters, borrowChecking, cursorInference
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MutationInfo = object
  param: PSym
  mutatedHere, connectedVia: TLineInfo
  flags: set[SubgraphFlag]
  maxMutation, minConnection: AbstractTime
  mutations: seq[AbstractTime]
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Partitions = object
  abstractTime: AbstractTime
  s: seq[VarIndex]
  graphs: seq[MutationInfo]
  goals: set[Goal]
  unanalysableMutation: bool
  inAsgnSource, inConstructor, inNoSideEffectSection: int
  inConditional, inLoop: int
  owner: PSym
  g: ModuleGraph
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proc `$`(config: ConfigRef; g: MutationInfo): string {.
    ...raises: [Exception, KeyError, OSError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
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proc checkBorrowedLocations(par: var Partitions; body: PNode; config: ConfigRef) {....raises: [
    Exception, KeyError, OSError, ValueError, IOError, ERecoverableError], tags: [
    RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
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proc computeCursors(s: PSym; n: PNode; g: ModuleGraph) {....raises: [Exception,
    ValueError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError], tags: [
    RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
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proc computeGraphPartitions(s: PSym; n: PNode; g: ModuleGraph; goals: set[Goal]): Partitions {....raises: [
    Exception, ValueError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError], tags: [
    RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
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proc hasSideEffect(c: var Partitions; info: var MutationInfo): bool {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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