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Copyright 2020 Alexander Bolz

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

This file contains an implementation of the Schubfach algorithm as described in

[1] Raffaello Giulietti, "The Schubfach way to render doubles",

Returns floor(x / 2^n).

Technically, right-shift of negative integers is implementation defined... Should easily be optimized into SAR (or equivalent) instruction.

Returns floor(log_10(2^e))

static inline int32_t FloorLog10Pow2(int32_t e)
    SF_ASSERT(e >= -1500);
    SF_ASSERT(e <=  1500);
    return FloorDivPow2(e * 1262611, 22);
Returns floor(log_10(3/4 2^e))

static inline int32_t FloorLog10ThreeQuartersPow2(int32_t e)
    SF_ASSERT(e >= -1500);
    SF_ASSERT(e <=  1500);
    return FloorDivPow2(e * 1262611 - 524031, 22);
Returns floor(log_2(10^e))

Returns whether value is divisible by 2^e2



proc float32ToChars(buffer: var openArray[char]; v: float32;
                    forceTrailingDotZero = false): int {.inline, ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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