
This module implements the basics for Linux distribution ("distro") detection and the OS's native package manager. Its primary purpose is to produce output for Nimble packages like:

To complete the installation, run:

sudo apt-get libblas-dev
sudo apt-get libvoodoo

The above output could be the result of a code snippet like:

if detectOs(Ubuntu):
  foreignDep "lbiblas-dev"
  foreignDep "libvoodoo"

See packaging for hints on distributing Nim using OS packages.


Distribution {...}{.pure.} = enum
  Windows,                  ## some version of Windows
  Posix,                    ## some Posix system
  MacOSX,                   ## some version of OSX
  Linux,                    ## some version of Linux
  Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Fedora, RedHat, OpenSUSE, Manjaro, Elementary, Zorin,
  CentOS, Deepin, ArchLinux, Antergos, PCLinuxOS, Mageia, LXLE, Solus, Lite,
  Slackware, Androidx86, Puppy, Peppermint, Tails, AntiX, Kali, SparkyLinux,
  Apricity, BlackLab, Bodhi, TrueOS, ArchBang, KaOS, WattOS, Korora, Simplicity,
  RemixOS, OpenMandriva, Netrunner, Alpine, BlackArch, Ultimate, Gecko, Parrot,
  KNOPPIX, GhostBSD, Sabayon, Salix, Q4OS, ClearOS, Container, ROSA, Zenwalk,
  Parabola, ChaletOS, BackBox, MXLinux, Vector, Maui, Qubes, RancherOS, Oracle,
  TinyCore, Robolinux, Trisquel, Voyager, Clonezilla, SteamOS, Absolute, NixOS, ## NixOS or a Nix build environment
  AUSTRUMI, Arya, Porteus, AVLinux, Elive, Bluestar, SliTaz, Solaris, Chakra,
  Wifislax, Scientific, ExTiX, Rockstor, GoboLinux, BSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
  DragonFlyBSD, Haiku
the list of known distributions   Source Edit


LacksDevPackages = {Distribution.Gentoo, Distribution.Slackware,
  Source Edit


proc foreignCmd(cmd: string; requiresSudo = false) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Registers a foreign command to the intern list of commands that can be queried later.   Source Edit
proc foreignDepInstallCmd(foreignPackageName: string): (string, bool) {...}{.
    raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the distro's native command line to install 'foreignPackageName' and whether it requires root/admin rights.   Source Edit
proc foreignDep(foreignPackageName: string) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Registers 'foreignPackageName' to the internal list of foreign deps. It is your job to ensure the package name   Source Edit
proc echoForeignDeps() {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Writes the list of registered foreign deps to stdout.   Source Edit


template detectOs(d: untyped): bool
Distro/OS detection. For convenience the required Distribution. qualifier is added to the enum value.   Source Edit