
This module implements the ability to access symbols from shared libraries. On POSIX this uses the dlsym mechanism, on Windows LoadLibrary.


Loading a simple C function

The following example demonstrates loading a function called 'greet' from a library that is determined at runtime based upon a language choice. If the library fails to load or the function 'greet' is not found, it quits with a failure error code.

import dynlib

  greetFunction = proc(): cstring {.gcsafe, stdcall.}

let lang = stdin.readLine()

let lib = case lang
of "french":

if lib == nil:
  echo "Error loading library"

let greet = cast[greetFunction](lib.symAddr("greet"))

if greet == nil:
  echo "Error loading 'greet' function from library"

let greeting = greet()

echo greeting



LibHandle = pointer
a handle to a dynamically loaded library   Source Edit


proc raiseInvalidLibrary(name: cstring) {...}{.noinline, noreturn,
    raises: [LibraryError], tags: [].}
raises an EInvalidLibrary exception.   Source Edit
proc checkedSymAddr(lib: LibHandle; name: cstring): pointer {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, LibraryError], tags: [RootEffect].}
retrieves the address of a procedure/variable from lib. Raises EInvalidLibrary if the symbol could not be found.   Source Edit
proc libCandidates(s: string; dest: var seq[string]) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
given a library name pattern s write possible library names to dest.   Source Edit
proc loadLibPattern(pattern: string; globalSymbols = false): LibHandle {...}{.
    raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
loads a library with name matching pattern, similar to what dlimport pragma does. Returns nil if the library could not be loaded. Warning: this proc uses the GC and so cannot be used to load the GC.   Source Edit
proc loadLib(path: string; globalSymbols = false): LibHandle {...}{.gcsafe,
    raises: [], tags: [].}
loads a library from path. Returns nil if the library could not be loaded.   Source Edit
proc loadLib(): LibHandle {...}{.gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [].}
gets the handle from the current executable. Returns nil if the library could not be loaded.   Source Edit
proc unloadLib(lib: LibHandle) {...}{.gcsafe, raises: [], tags: [].}
unloads the library lib   Source Edit
proc symAddr(lib: LibHandle; name: cstring): pointer {...}{.gcsafe, raises: [],
    tags: [].}
retrieves the address of a procedure/variable from lib. Returns nil if the symbol could not be found.   Source Edit