Nim Devroom at FOSDEM 2022
04 February 2022 pietroppeter, pmunch, dom96
Nim Devroom at FOSDEM 2022 this Saturday 5th Feb
We are happy to announce that all preparations for the Nim Devroom at FOSDEM 2022 are now complete and we are looking forward to 8 excellent talks with more than 5 hours of Nim-related content. The conference is online this year and the talks will stream live tomorrow on the FOSDEM website. This is the final schedule for the Nim Devroom, which will be held tomorrow (Saturday, February 5th) from 12:30 to 17:40:
Note that all times are Central European Time (UTC+1).
FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open-source software. It normally takes place in Brussels, but this year (like last year) it will be held remotely. Participation is open to anyone and there is no need to register. This year is the first year that Nim has a dedicated devroom and we want to send special thanks to our speakers for their contributions!
You will be able to interact with the speakers through a Matrix chat and at the end of every talk there will be a live Q&A with the speaker. You may use a Matrix Client (Element is good choice that you can use both from web and as an app) and use the link provided in the page of any talk, or you can access the chat at this link:
Are you ready to:
- Hear the past, present and future of concurrency in Nim directly from the Nim’s creator
- Learn why Nim is well positioned for Next generation micro-controller programming thanks to the efforts of our own PMunch
- Discover that a Nim-based open-source library ( is being used to bring vGPU functionality to normal consumer GPUs
- See how Nim can be used to create Polymorph, a fast and frugal entity-component-system library
- Help a 6-year-old build Potato Zombies, a 3D game using Enu and Nim
- Have your mind blown by Zach showing off Pararules, a Nim rules engine for reactive programs and games
- Join a data scientist working in genomics and follow him while he boosts performance of his code switching from Python to Nim
- And finally step through the power levels of Nim metaprogramming in the real word, thanks to Treeform!
We cannot wait to see you there!
Final remarks
- Make sure to check out the FOSDEM Code of Conduct.
- We invite you to read the rest of FOSDEM program for other interesting topics in the full list of events.
- For any questions about FOSDEM or the Nim devroom you can reach us in the #fosdem channel or on our Nim Discord (also available through Matrix as “Nim FOSDEM”).