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func cmpNimIdentifier[T: string | cstring](a, b: T): int
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func find(s, sub: cstring; start: Natural = 0; last = 0): int {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}

Searches for sub in s inside the range start..last (both ends included). If last is unspecified, it defaults to s.high (the last element).

Searching is case-sensitive. If sub is not in s, -1 is returned. Otherwise the index returned is relative to s[0], not start. Use s[start..last].find for a start-origin index.

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func find(s: cstring; sub: char; start: Natural = 0; last = 0): int {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Searches for sub in s inside the range start..last (both ends included). If last is unspecified, it defaults to s.high (the last element).

Searching is case-sensitive. If sub is not in s, -1 is returned. Otherwise the index returned is relative to s[0], not start. Use s[start..last].rfind for a start-origin index.

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func toLowerAscii(c: char): char {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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template cmpIgnoreCaseImpl[T: string | cstring](a, b: T;
    firstCharCaseSensitive: static bool = false)
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template cmpIgnoreStyleImpl[T: string | cstring](a, b: T;
    firstCharCaseSensitive: static bool = false)
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template endsWithImpl[T: string | cstring](s, suffix: T)
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template startsWithImpl[T: string | cstring](s, prefix: T)
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