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Thread support for Nim.


import std/locks

  thr: array[0..4, Thread[tuple[a,b: int]]]
  L: Lock

proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[a,b: int]) {.thread.} =
  for i in interval.a..interval.b:
    acquire(L) # lock stdout
    echo i


for i in 0..high(thr):
  createThread(thr[i], threadFunc, (i*10, i*10+5))



proc createThread(t: var Thread[void]; tp: proc () {.thread, nimcall.}) {.
    ...raises: [ResourceExhaustedError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc createThread[TArg](t: var Thread[TArg];
                        tp: proc (arg: TArg) {.thread, nimcall.}; param: TArg)

Creates a new thread t and starts its execution.

Entry point is the proc tp. param is passed to tp. TArg can be void if you don't need to pass any data to the thread.

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proc getThreadId(): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets the ID of the currently running thread. Source   Edit  
proc handle[TArg](t: Thread[TArg]): SysThread {.inline.}
Returns the thread handle of t. Source   Edit  
proc joinThread[TArg](t: Thread[TArg]) {.inline.}
Waits for the thread t to finish. Source   Edit  
proc joinThreads[TArg](t: varargs[Thread[TArg]])
Waits for every thread in t to finish. Source   Edit  
proc pinToCpu[Arg](t: var Thread[Arg]; cpu: Natural)

Pins a thread to a CPU.

In other words sets a thread's affinity. If you don't know what this means, you shouldn't use this proc.

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proc running[TArg](t: Thread[TArg]): bool {.inline.}
Returns true if t is running. Source   Edit