This module implements semantic checking for calls.this module does the semantic checking of statementsThis module does the semantic transformation of the fields* iterators.This module implements Nim's object construction rules.
ast, options, astalgo, trees, wordrecg, ropes, msgs, idents, renderer, types, platform, magicsys, nversion, nimsets, semfold, modulepaths, importer, procfind, lookups, pragmas, passes, semdata, semtypinst, sigmatch, transf, vmdef, vm, aliases, cgmeth, lambdalifting, evaltempl, patterns, parampatterns, sempass2, linter, semmacrosanity, lowerings, plugins/active, lineinfos, int128, isolation_check, typeallowed, modulegraphs, enumtostr, concepts, astmsgs, spawn
tyGenericLike = {tyGenericInvocation, tyGenericInst, tyArray, tySet, tySequence, tyOpenArray, tyUserTypeClassInst..tyCompositeTypeClass}
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tyMagicGenerics = {tySet, tySequence, tyArray, tyOpenArray}
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tyUserDefinedGenerics = {tyGenericInst, tyGenericInvocation, tyUserTypeClassInst}
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proc commonType(c: PContext; x, y: PType): PType {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc commonType(c: PContext; x: PType; y: PNode): PType {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc instGenericConvertersArg(c: PContext; a: PNode; x: TCandidate) {....raises: [ Exception, ValueError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError, EOFError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect, WriteDirEffect, TimeEffect].}
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proc instGenericConvertersSons(c: PContext; n: PNode; x: TCandidate) {....raises: [ Exception, ValueError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError, EOFError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect, WriteDirEffect, TimeEffect].}
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proc newSymG(kind: TSymKind; n: PNode; c: PContext): PSym {....raises: [Exception, ValueError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError], tags: [ RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
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proc notFoundError(c: PContext; n: PNode; errors: CandidateErrors) {....raises: [ Exception, ValueError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError], tags: [ RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
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proc pushProcCon(c: PContext; owner: PSym) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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template commonTypeBegin(): PType
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